Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mental Fitness: Exercising The Mind

It was around noon time when my brother and I took the MRT from Ayala to Quezon Ave Station to attend a learning event at the Executive Lounge of Hotel Rembrandt in Tomas Morato. 

The dark sky shows signs of impending rain but we were decided on finding out more about "Blogging for Fun, Fame and Fortune" -  indeed, with such a catchy title, who would not be that curious enough to travel from one side of the metro to the other?
Photo taken from

We made it just in time, and while Jeffrey Yu, the founder of The Learning Addict Community was presenting the TLA concept to us, the words he uttered made such an impact on me that I decided to blog about the topic.   "Mental fitness is equally or even more important that  physical fitness, learning is one habit you don't want to break".
We have always been told that we SHOULD train our body, exercise, eat clean....but have we considered that, as with our body, our mind should also be "trained", "exercised" and have constant diet of good thoughts and ideas?

When was the last time we read a good book?
When was the last time we had intellectual interaction that had us brainstorm on various ideas?
When was the last time we consciously "trained" the mind to replace negative thoughts with positive ones?

Listening to the resource speaker, Alvin Tan, had all of us laughing, taking down notes and thinking at the same time.  It was a very good Mental Fitness exercise.
True enough, one cannot consider himself totally healthy if he is mentally drained, emotionally unstable or has lost his energy in life.

Since your mind controls your body, mental fitness is therefore just as critical, as having a strong and fit body.
We all know that muscle atrophies if we do not use it, similarly, the mind, if not used, will deteriorate - which in effect will have an impact on the quality of one's life.

Think of the mind as a muscle that needs constant stimulation in various ways every day to maintain mental fitness. If we do not schedule for time to exercise our muscles, it becomes weak. If we fail to focus on developing our mental fitness, we become moody, tired and prone to disease.

As with exercise, one would need to choose what is enjoyable for him as a form of mental fitness.

1. Brain Puzzles  I had a friend who loves finishing up crossword puzzles and Suduko.
Puzzles like these can improve your brain's speed and memory as these games rely on logic, word skills, math and more. You'll get benefit more by doing these games a little bit every day -- spend 15 minutes or so, not hours.
2. Read books  use travel time wisely. I always bring a book with me for instances like being caught in traffic, which is a quite common thing in the metro.
3. Learn a new skill  I am currently considering of joining a Zumba Class from Gold's gym even if I know I have two left foot just for fun. (good luck to me!)
4. Attend training events  you could check The Learning Addict for their training events; would appreciate if you would include a note that you found them out from this blog.
5. Listen to audio books that is one of my favorite way of motivating my workouts.

These are just some of the examples in developing your mental fitness, and as for my brother and I, after spending 3 hours of our time exercising our minds and expanding our thoughts on the various possibilities of blogging, our curiosity was satisfied and it was time to leave.

It was already dusk and the heavy rain had passed as we braved the Saturday MRT crowd on our way back to the other side of the metro.

We felt accomplished, met new friends and armed with additional information with the topic that we came there for.

Mental fitness is indeed important, and as I close this entry, here is a challenge for you :



  1. Sometimes my brain goes into "couch camote" mode. Thanks for the wake-up call! =)

  2. Thanks for the visit!
    A creative person like you would never have a "couch camote / potato" brain though hehehehe.
