Wednesday, February 10, 2016

How to Make the Most Use of Your Planner (Three Simple Ways to Productivity)

I love fitness.
I also love writing, reading and yes, collecting planners. 
Some might say, in this digital world, writing in paper is near extinction - I say, it's a lost art that is a gold mine once discovered.

In my case, having these notebooks and binders give me this compelling need to use them  for whatever function they may bring, then again, we all know that it is not possible.

Take your pick

I eventually came to terms with the thought that these are just tools for me to do what needs to be done, while enjoying what I love doing -- which is writing, and providing a venue for creativity. As tools, we  need to know what works and what does not.

Everyone wants to be productive. 
There is a sense of accomplishment when one ticks off a "To Do List" or when things happen as planned. With this thought in mind, a question popped up :   What do we "plan" for? What goes in our "planners" or notebooks?

In this post, I am sharing three things that I have realized would help in "planning" your day.

First of all, know your non-negotiables.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

15 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Fitness - Part 2

As promised, here are the remaining items on the list..

     6.    Magazines
Reading fitness magazines and looking at possible workout moves motivate me. 
Yes I am aware that most are perfected by photoshop and some are probably genetic freaks, but being a visual person, fitness models and their workouts motivate me to work harder. 
Fitness mags for PinayFitness geeks.
Besides, cut outs are a good addition to one's Vision Board (hmm.. might do an article on that one time)

     7.    Blogs
I know that reading blogs inspire me. This is the same reason why I decided to bring back the habit of writing in my blog. It gives me accountability to my readers and who knows, I might be inspiring other people with my PinayFitness Journey too.
Until I have figured out the "subscribe" button, please feel free to visit my blog anytime. lol.

     8.    Success Stories
If a fitness website has success stories, for sure I will go back and read inspirational stories. Showing the ups and downs they go through is such a learning experience.

     9.    Instagram
Those catchy memes in Instagram really helps me in getting back on track. I usually download them and make them my wallpaper or share in the PinayFitness Facebook Page.

     10.  Forums and Facebook Groups
Talking about one’s fitness concerns and sharing ideas in a group full of like minded people would definitely help your fitness goals. Check in daily. 
Interact and post : PinayFitness Facebook Page
Post and interact. It really helps. Be part of the PinayFitness Facebook Group and share your thoughts on fitness too!

     11. Rewards
If you exercise for a few days, give yourself a reward! Progressed to a week? Add another reward. Do it often during the start of you “Balik Alindog” Program.
Stickers and pretty stuffs are my rewards. How about you?
In my case, my “rewards” are stickers. I am a member of a planner community & it gives me pleasure to put stickers in my monthly planner, knowing that I got it done. Weird, but that’s how I roll.

     12. Stress Reliever
Work. Home stuff. Life in general. Yup. All stress producer. Exercise = stress relief.
I also use exercise to regenerate and refresh myself as a form of rest.

13. An exercise log / graph
Writing it down makes a whole world of difference. Monitoring your progress in you planner, writing what you ate, how many glasses of water you took in (hydration is very important!), you body weight and tape measurement – then graph it at the end of the week for four weeks. You’d be pleasantly surprised once the month ends.
Graphing my one month progress was a great motivation for me!
14.  An exercise class
Golds’ Gym Bootcamp, Cardio Martial Arts, Yoga. These are my favourite combination. I have fun working out with my kiddos, laughing at each others moves during the class, and eventually putting in that workout for the day. Invite your friends to join you for a class and for sure, you’ll be motivated to go there and workout.

     15. A day at the beach or a Class Reunion.
Yep. You know how that feels.
Last December trip. Good thing I was beach ready!

So how about you? How do you motivate yourself?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

15 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Fitness - Part 1


 a ten letter word that is so hard to keep up. If this specific word has a gender, it probably is a lady that is super high maintenance.

We all can relate to writing resolutions at the start of the year and planing to work out – actively tackling it on the next few days, only to stop after a week or so, then trash it all and go back to the same old rut. It is the second month of the New Year, so how are we with our goals and plans?

But, how does a regular pinay with lots of things in her plate, find motivation to exercise when you feel that just thinking about it makes you tired already? I ask myself this million peso question every now and then, and I know that I’m not the only one.
Image from the net

Yes I have days when I struggle with putting in a workout in my schedule. I know that I should start making it a habit until it is part of my PinayFitness Routine, but the "M" word  is needed until the habit sticks and that, is where the challenge begins.

Recently however, I felt so happy because after lots of failed tries,  I was able to actually work on my goal – I was able to find motivation that was needed to make the habit stick. 
In this post, I am sharing what I did differently and what had helped get back on track.

The happiest loss of all. Loss of excess body fat.
Feel free to see if you can make some of these ideas “your own” so you can start working on your fitness goals..