
Marissa is an investor of  Golds Gym Philippines , one of the owners of Aloha Boracay Hotel and the author and founder of pinayfitness.blogspot.com.

She is a DDI Certified Trainer running various behavioral training programs and team building sessions.

She was a speech evaluation champion for Toastmasters International Area 72 and has competed in the National/District Level, representing Division H.

She has achieved the  Advanced Communicator Silver, Competent Leader Norm and as the Area 75 Governor, was able to garner Select Distinguished Award during her term.

Sharing her Fitness Advocacy in one of her speaking engagments

A team player, she has been instrumental in organizing events and project management. She loves helping individuals reach their full potential as a life coach, a friend and a wellness coach. 

She  specializes in fitness research for the past ten (10) years and the systematized way of thinking as a Control Systems Engineer for the past twenty (20) years has helped her fine-tune her way of processing things.

A mother of four lovely daughters, she sees to it that she would be a good example for them to emulate as they find their own path in life.

She believes that Fitness is the best base to stand on and should be integrated in all aspects of life not only Physical, but also Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Financial to ensure Work - Life Balance.

Email her at pinayfitness [at] gmail.com
