Why lift?
I ask you, why not..
It has been said that Filipinas are known to be shy, submissive and soft-spoken.
Not that I'm speaking in behalf of my sisses in our country, but, sad to say, that is the stereotype.
Well, a typical view for women is the so called "damsel-in-distress" who is always in a look out for her knight in shining armor to whisk her away from her misery.
This may also be the reason why most of us are afraid, or rather, hesitant to go to the gym and pick up those dumbbells, barbells and what-have-yous.
For most of us, most of the machines look like some scary contraption that might eat us alive.. my sisters, hear me out -- don't you know that those machines and iron that look frightingly intimidating to you is actually The Holy Grail of Fitness?