She's no pinay but the fine lady in the picture recently made it into the Guinness Book of Record as the "World's Oldest Female Body Builder."
Her name is Ernestine Sheperd.
So, how old do you think she is?
40? 50?
My guess is as good as yours.. and we are ALL wrong.
Try Seventy Seven... yes you read it right.. 77!
Surprised? To know more about her, check out her article and video here and be totally inspired!
Her message is clear and inspirational: “being out of shape” as we age is something we can now contest. She is indeed a role model not just for senior women, but for everyone else who have read or heard about her story.
Need motivation?
Think of how a lady of 77, Ernestine Shepherd , and how her dedication and commitment can make a difference in one's life.
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