Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Motivation 101

There are days when you feel like you just want to do anything.. at. all.
During those times, motivational quotes really help out a lot.

Sharing with you quotes that I love reading.

*  70% of ALL PEOPLE who start a FITNESS PLAN QUIT.

* Go do something that makes you SWEAT.


* I train because I want to defeat the me who couldn't do it yesterday so I can be better today.

Image from the net
.* Your body can do ANYTHING.... you just have to convince your MIND.

* A workout is a personal triumph over laziness & procastination.

* When you're struggling, REMEMBER THE OUTFITS YOU WILL WEAR.


* BEAST is someone who gets up even if they can't.

* This is not what Barbie looks like.     This is not what Fashion Models look like.
   This is what FIT looks like.  This is what being HEALTH looks like.    This is sexy.

* When in doubt, WORKOUT!

How about you? What are your favorite motivational quotes?

Friday, July 3, 2015

Urban Legends: Fitness Myths Vs Facts

In the fitness world, there are lots of urban legends you’d hear in the gym locker room.
Statements like, “I don’t want to eat sinigang or sisig because ingesting pork fat will make me fat!” or “I stay away from those heavy weights because I don’t want to look like a She-Hulk”

Image from the net
An urban legendurban mythurban tale, or contemporary legend, is a form of modern folklore consisting of stories that may or may not have been believed by their tellers to be true. As with all folklore and mythology, the designation suggests nothing about the story’s veracity, but merely that it is in circulation, exhibits variation over time, and carries some significance that motivates the community in preserving and propagating it.
- Wikipedia

As we embrace the fitness lifestyle, it is our responsibility to question these statements and find out for ourselves if these are categorized as what we all know as “fitness” urban legends.
Below are some of the Fact vs Myth statement that I stumbled upon and would like to share with you.

Please feel free to add some more.


Myth: High – carbohydrate, low fat diets works best.
Fact: People are becoming fat from carb overdose.

Myth: If you exercise, it doesn’t matter what you eat.
Fact: If you exercise, it matters even more what you eat!

Myth: Eating right means three big meals a day.
Fact: Eating  nutritious balanced meals with the proper portion is the way to go.

Myth: Weight training is only for young athletes.
Fact: People of all ages should do weight training.

Myth: Muscle grow while you’re working out
Fact: Muscle grow while you’re resting and recuperating, AFTER a good workout.

Myth: A certain number of sets and reps gets the job done.
Fact: High-intensity efforts produces the best results.

Myth: Aerobic is better for shaping up than weight training.
Fact: To transform your physique, you must train with weights.

Myth: If women lift weights, they’ll get “bulky”.
Fact: Resistance exercise helps women create lean, toned bodies.

Image from the net

Myth: You need to drink water only when you are thirsty.
Fact: Your body needs more water than it’s telling you.

Myth: Pinays are weak and dependent
Fact: Pinays are Positive Independent Natural Adaptable andYouthful!

So, now that all the myths and urban legends are debunked, care to share what have YOU heard through the grapevine?